Sunday, October 21, 2012

Things About the Last Two Months

Uhhhhhh wow, you guys. Umm... Where do I start?

Well, I can always start with declaring that I have never been so run-into-the-ground busy like I have been the past few weeks.

Things were fine until I finally got hired for a part-time job.

(It's a cashiering job, seasonal, through February. Maybe not the best I could have gotten, but I'd been scouting since summer and not only did they interview me, but they practically hired me on the spot. That's gold, you guys.)

I'm not complaining about having income – I like having income more than I like not having income.

But I know things (such as getting all my homework and studying done that I need to on time) would be a lot easier if I didn't lose three days in a row to six-seven hour shifts...

Somehow, I'm doing it. But I have a physics exam on Tuesday that I have not been able to study for because I've been working on other things, and, well. I feel like I might do okay after a recap of all things physics that we've done this semester, which does happen to be occurring in lecture tomorrow, so...

And then on Friday I have a paper due that was set for Wednesday, and I was this close to not getting that meager extension because we've had almost a month already to work on it.

Really, it was kind of useless to ask for until Monday or something, for that, cos I work Saturday through Monday. I've got a pretty good start on my physics lab writeup that'll be due Thursday, and the chemistry lab writeup won't be due until the Thursday after that.

Don't even ask me about my biology homework that really hasn't been touched, and it's due in two weeks, and I've had nearly a month now to work on that.

Guys, this is the size of my life right now, and it's stuffed to overflowing with homework.

(Who am I addressing when I say "you guys"? I don't know. Certainly not the huddled masses. Holla if you read! Or maybe not – I may become self-conscious.)

On that note, um, I have a Fitblr now, if anyone's incredibly curious for updates on my fitness journey (tied in with my AdvoJourney since I started on Performance Elite products back in September); that's a far better place to get updates. I'm not able to work out as much anymore cos I just have so much to do, but I'm fortunately 90% of the time able to eat very clean (I'm sort of at the mercy of what SMU decides to serve me, most of the time, and though they've gotten a lot better about allergen labeling on the entrees and such, it's still not quite perfect), and MNS-C among other products are helping to keep my eating habits under control, so I don't want to eat any more than I actually need to. Yay.

That said: nearly two months of working out, plus AdvoCare, and you guys; I have muscle tone all over my body for the first time in my life. You don't know how spectacular that is to me.

I don't yet have the definition that I'm seeking, but that will come in time. There are still seven-nine months until the weather will be warm enough for tank tops and shorts again, and I will definitely be ready for it this time!

I am going to do this. I'm going to actually do this. I'm so excited.

So, yeah; classes and homework, work, and working out when I can squeeze it in. Holy crap, that's a lot of applications of "work."

That's my life. I don't think I love it. But I'm gonna get through it.

Until next time.

Take care!


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